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Mega Effects mistake on TV,Internet by the Today Show corrected by Avon Rep Trisha Dunn of Indiana

Avon Rep Trisha Dunn of www.YourAvon.com/TrishaDunn comments on the Today Show's website regarding the Kathy Lee and Hoda Today Show segment of Bobbies Buzz correcting their (oops) mistake on TV & Internet, as well as many links to video websites re-tagged and posted by other Avon Reps, YouTube, etc.
Shop for Mega Effects Mascara or Avon 
with direct delivery to your door at:

Email Trisha at: IndianaAvon@yahoo.com
Request a brochure, call/text Trisha at (812)207-0556

Watch the Today Show video 
about Mega Effects Mascara from Avon:


So Much News! Many new products available & coming soon (1 with a patent! wow!) plus NEW events I will be at to meet & greet you. DON'T MISS this!

Wow! Exciting new products coming and available! 

#1: the peel and stick nail art is a GREAT buy and have MORE fun designs than ANY of the competitors I've tried. These come in pack of 18. You have 10 fingers, 10 toes. To get the MOST out of these fanciful strips of professional nail art, if I were an Avon customer I would buy 2 packs and share with another friend who also bought 2 packs. Mix and match the designs get creative and have fun! 

#2: A patented mascara is coming with an ergonomic adjustable handle that is not like anything else see. Awesome applicator and brush! It is called Mega Effects; coming in the next campaign. Avon has patented the model for several months meaning NO ONE ELSE will have this "type" of mascara. However, you can be put on the waiting list for this highly anticipated item by going to: http://shop.avon.com/product.aspx?pf_id=48524

#3 "Figi Paradise" now just $9.99 on my website. I personally tested it and it smells very smooth with soft undertones that just remind me of a warm summer day near the beach. 

#4 Blue Escape for him or her: Coming in Campaign 15 which comes out this week Wed. 6/26. Smells like an expensive department store perfume with clean notes much like Calvin Klein's line of scents, tropical driftwood, pear nectar and sparkling blue lotus. Did you know the lotus flower is a sign of peace in some religions? Campaign 15 will have one for her and one for him; each at around $23 with a 3 pc collection including shower gel & body lotion for layering your scents form just $23 (a $43 value). 

#5: Avon now offers a Clearskin Liquid Extraction Strip that will remove old skin cells to enhance health skin appearance and also works like those over the counter acne strips (i.e. Biore Brand) to grab hold of stubborn dirt in your pores, including blackheads; however the strip is no longer an issue because this product's liquid gel turns INTO the strip that your remove and is often gentler on sensitize skin. NOW only SALE for just $9.99, a savings of $14! 

I am all set up and ready for 2 local events: Sellersburg Celebrates AND the Clark County 4H Fair. I will be be at BOTH events at a booth to talk to local residents who may want to sign up and try Avon for themselves, or if they want to order products or just ask questions. I LOVE going to these events. They are a TON of fun; as I always LOVE to meet and talk to people and explain about Avon: Avon is MY brand that I firmly BELIEVE in verses other brands. 

Sellersburg Celebrates is Thurs-Sun in Sellersburg at the little league park Aug. 22-24th. There's balloon glows, carnival rides, lots of food, craft vendors and local business vendors with lots of free goodies to give away. Hope to see you there! 

The Clark County 4H Fair is another fun event with lots of carnival rides, carnival games, livestock judging contests, tractor pulls, music events, craft and local business vendors, all kids of judging tents (i.e. photography, art, cooking, plants & baking) along with many animals to pet, often local police, fire & rescue are there to inform the public and let the little ones play on the firetrucks. I will be there at our information booth giving out TONS of FREE Samples, giving out books, and talking about the #1 brand of hair, skin and nail care that I believe in that also offers stunning real and costume jewelry, baby items, fashion items and makeup geared for teens and twenty-somethings. Come visit and chat with me between Aug. 2nd-11th. 

Call or Text if you make it. (812)207-0556
 Hope to see you there at these fun events AND hop to see you get some of the items coming soon and already available! 
Professionally Yours, 

SHOP ONLINE! http://TrishaDunn.AvonRepresentative.com  (DIRECT, Free Delivery to your door!)
JOIN the #1 Company for Women for just $10 and make 45% garaunteed sales commission on your 1st four campains! Type in reference CODE: "TrishaDunn" @URL: http://www.start.youravon.com